
Elizabeth Shatner Photo By Zachary Maxwell StertzELIZABETH SHATNER, Photographer/ Digital Artist, presents “Art by Nature”. Elizabeth Shatner, wife of actor William Shatner, will be the first to tell you, she never really had the passion for photography... but always a true lover of nature, with the intrinsic vision and the good fortune to see and appreciate the beauty nature has created. Over ten years ago, she had the opportunity to travel on a photo safari with Bill (a camera equipment aficionado) and two nationally known photographers, Joanne Kalish and Joe DiMaggio. Those weeks were instrumental in Elizabeth’s journey to familiarity with a digital camera and the path to photography.

Elizabeth is a professional equine judge and former professional horsewoman. She has always had an infatuation with nature – searching for shells, four leaf clovers and beautiful horses. She states that the activity of looking for a specific artistic shot resembles judging a horse show. It’s rewarding to observe nature’s beauty, and to share her vision and interpretation with others through her work.

Elizabeth refers to her body of work as “Art by Nature.” Her images of flowers have been compared to the sensuous flower paintings by renowned artist Georgia O’Keefe. Nature is the foundation, and the outline for the collection. She discovers the art within the frame (usually macro), and uses digital technology to create the final product on canvas, tile, watercolor paper or other mediums. The end result is abstract and resembles an oil painting or water color. A gift of yellow roses to her mother on her 84th birthday inspired one of Elizabeth’s early pieces. She examines the heart shape of the flower’s pistil, what she calls her “Florshach” test, a play on words inspired by the famous psychological “Rorschach” blot test. Elizabeth’s passion is to capture the artistic lines of natural light. She focuses on capturing an image that bestows the feelings of spirituality, well being, and fun (which matches her personality); and to share nature’s beauty as gifts to those that view the Art of Nature.

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